Агенты «Щ.И.Т.» — команда прощается с сериалом

Команда сериала Агенты «Щ.И.Т.» поделилась с фанатами огромным количеством закулисных материалов! Давайте взглянем.

Сериал Агенты «Щ.И.Т.» завершился после семи лет. По этому поводу многие люди, задействованные в производстве (как звезды, так и члены команды, работающие по другую сторону камеры), решили отдать ему должное и попрощаться, опубликовав различные фото и видео из-за кулис.

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And finally… memories from Season 7. The #agentsofshield finale airs tonight. This show has afforded me the opportunity to work with some of the most talented, collaborative, gifted, hilarious, dedicated people I’ve ever met. You know, it’s hard to believe now, but back when I started during Season 2, a Season 3 was in no way a given: there was some conventional wisdom out there that said we might be done then. And I found myself wondering at the time: if the show ends now, was it worth it to come on for such a short run? My answer, which took about .2 seconds to pop into my head, was a resounding YES. If it all ended then, if it had been one season and out for me, the chance to work on this show, with these people, in this environment was still so gratifying and healing and inspiring and… delightful. So I knew even then how lucky I am, how rare it is to have this kind of experience. I’m grateful to @motancharoen and @misterkarate and Jeff Bell for making space for me, for championing me, for reminding me how fun making TV can be. I’m grateful to the intensely talented and kind cast, the hard-working and brilliant artisans on our crew. And the writers — every one of them who spent time in that room, all those hours every day, for all those years, who inspired me, taught me, made me laugh… and taught me about fantasy football. Plus… Disneyland. This show was my home. I treasure every moment.

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